“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character -that is the goal of true education”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The core philosophy of TNREA is its endeavor to provide the very best learning opportunities where students are challenged, inspired and encouraged to reach their full potential, regardless of abilityand to instill a value system in each individual, so as to help the child withstand all the tests of time. We believe that true education is training of both the head & the heart. Academic excellence is desirable but inculcating good values is the essence of education.
We promote excellence in all aspects of our work and we encourage our students to develop their inherent gifts and talents within school and outside. We take upon the task of not only raising career conscious students but also socially responsible and global citizens. We aim to impart holistic education to ensure that our children grow up as individuals who are morally upright, emotionally balanced, culturally integrated, socially aware and spiritually oriented.
The pursuit of excellence encouraged at TNREA rests on the positive belief that every child has within them to produce work and excel.